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There is something for everyone to get involved in missions; either globally or locally. Whether you are young or old, teenager, hyphen, adult, single, married – anyone! Browse the opportunities below and then submit the interest webform to get connected to missions. Let’s “Go Reach the World”!
Compassion Services International
Compassion Services International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to relieving human suffering around the globe. For more than 30 years, CSi has been bringing Hope and Help to Nations. This nonprofit creatively approaches the mission of love and compassion. They are hands-on, grass-roots driven, and lasting. Become a monthly financial partner. Volunteer. Donate. Pray. (Any Age)
To find out more information on CSI and how you can be a part – Click Here.
Apostolic Youth Corps
Apostolic Youth Corps (AYC) is a branch of UPCI Youth Ministries that facilitates the pairing of ministry-minded Pentecostal students with North American and international sites which need and desire evangelism assistance. AYC candidates will assist Global Missionaries, North American Missionaries, and work in cooperation with Global Campus Ministry, Campus Ministry International, Compassion Services International, and Metro Evangelism. (Ages 15 – 35)
Next Steps
Next Steps is a unique summer training program to support missionaries around the world. Each assignment is a total of eight weeks. Beginning with three weeks in preparation for on-the-field training with plenty of time for networking and scouting out the area. Then comes the five glorious weeks of missionary apprenticeship, allowing participants to actually do the work of a missionary. (Ages 18+)
Reach Baltimore
Go by actively volunteering and assisting our daughter-work as we reach inner city Baltimore. You are invited to join in any or all outreach opportunities:
For more information on how you can be a part, contact the church office by email at
Metro Missions
In North America 80% of the population lives within a metro city, but only 20% of the UPCI churches lie within those areas. Metro Missions has a proven track record over the last 25 years of reaching these target cities with the truth of God’s word! Currently North America has 40 Metro Missionaries have completed deputation and have gone into their city of appointment to bring the Gospel. Those
Missionaries in turn have planted 27 UPCI daughter works, totaling 55 churches in the approved. Metro cities for a success rate of 186%. Metro Missionaries need our support and prayers to continue the work that they do! (Any Age)
To find out how you can help our Metro Missionaries – Click here.
Church in a Day
Church in a Day is a program in which skilled laborers and an abundance of volunteers converge on a plot of land, and in less than 24 hours have a functional church built. The money saved in construction costs places the new church far ahead of the curve. Church in a Day is an amazing feat, and has been featured on media outlets throughout the country. (Any Age) To find out how you can help donate to churches in need – click here.