Next Steps

Starting Point
Your journey begins here. Starting Point is a discussion-based session regarding God, the Bible and what it means to you. This one-on-one or group session will also introduce you to Abundant Life and your pathway to Experience, Grow, Serve and Go.

Bible Study
Abundant Life Church is a Bible-believing church. Our focus is on accurate interpretation and application of scripture. If you have a desire to know more about the Bible, we offer ways for you to learn in the comfort of your own home or a remote location. Our Personal Bible Studies range in time commitment from 1 hour to 12 weeks.
If you are interested in doing a personal Bible study, please fill out the information below so we can talk to you about starting one!
The Discipleship Series
The Discipleship Series are a set of 5 modules that are designed to equip the believer with Biblical principles and practical applications to develop as a disciple of Jesus.
1. Experience God
2. Grow in Faith
3. Serve Others
4. Go Reach the World
5. Living Out the Process
For more information, you can speak to Pastor Christina Reever.

Join A Team
We seek to serve others– both within our walls and without. At Abundant Life, we are encouraged to unwrap the gifts God has invested in each of us and to use these gifts – our time, talent and treasure — to strengthen the church body and make a difference in the lives of others.
If you would like to volunteer to serve at Abundant Life, please click the link below to fill out a form!
Apostolic Ministry Training
All Spirit-filled believers are to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and equipped by the church leadership to declare the Gospel – that’s what it means to be Apostolic. Enroll to receive Biblical training from key leaders who will guide you toward Apostolic ministry.
If you would like to know more, please reach out to any ministry leader so they can get you that information.